My tired face after workout =__="
It's August already!! I know I've been lazy blogging but no fear...I'll try my best to blog more k?? since I finally brought a new camera (remember my last camera was stolen)
so what's new?? I gained weight. no joke. So this month I've decide to exercise and also control my eating habits....
Brought a new mug which is really cheap like Rm 2.50 and it's huge...this is to discipline myself on drinking water...I drank at least 2-3 cans of soda a day last month....Zzzz
My super awesome mug
So all in all this month agenda is:-
1) Workout more frequently
2) Control food intake
3) Lower down soda water intake
4) Study at least 2 hour a day
5) Do not skip class
6) Sleep more
That's all i think....cause if too much then I'll be overwhelm and give up FML
till then, give me lots of love ya