Friday, April 29, 2011

Just for show

I love this outfit like fave top that I always wear...but now it look very worn since I'm lazy and throw it into the washing machine T____T *go drown self in washing mashing*

BUT the main point is the red legging and that boot!!!! seriously i like that boot but I don't think I'll wear it's just not very "shopping/lepak/yumcha friendly" sigh~ I brought it when I'm at my wanna be punk time.....orz well...I still like it just that I've grown up =)

and the red legging...I LOVE COLOUR LEGGING!!!!! just that it's weird wearing it around.....I know I'm a chicken *cluck cluck kokokokok*


Ok I admit this is just some random post to show that I'm still around!!!

lap lap

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Slowly we change

Changes is good, be it good or bad....It's because it means we're are trying to improve ourself try new things, experience something totally different and embrace it, learn for it

If it's not our cup of tea we just stop doing it and if we like it we continue

For example a blogger I've been following

As for me myself, I know I changed, some may say I became bad some say I'm better then before but I know I'm still me, just that I've upgraded myself

Till then